Terms & Conditions
The website memento-mori.fr is the property of the memento-mori compagny.
315 avenue d’argenteuil
92270 bois-colombes
A company registered under the laws of France at the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 508675980
The memento-mori.fr website is hosted on the servers of the Internet Service provider
OVH – SAS au capital de 10 000 000 € RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
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2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France
In accordance with articles 39 and 40 of the amended law no. 78-17 of August 6, 2004 relating to privacy and data processing, you have the right to access, modify and delete any personal data concerning you. You may exercise this right by contacting the publishers of memento-mori.fr at the following address memento-mori – 315 avenue d’argenteuil – 92270 – bois-colombes or by e-mail to . By virtue of law no. 2000-719 of 1 August 2000, any details the user provides may be released by court order.
The data collected from web users by means of the registration form on the memento-mori.fr website complies with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of August 6, 2004 relating to privacy and data processing.
The user declares that he has been apprised of the General Conditions of Use applying on the date of its visit on the memento-mori.fr website, which he accepts. Memento-mori reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Use, in full or in part, at any time. Consequently, it is the user’s responsibility to regularly check for changes in the said General Conditions of Use, which are permanently available for consultation on the website at memento-mori.fr. Any access to the website and/or use of the services available at memento-mori.fr after modification of the General Conditions of Use shall be deemed instant acceptance of the new General Conditions by the user.
– Registration
Some of the services on the memento-mori.fr website, particularly including the creation of selections, are reserved for registered users. To become a registered user of the memento-mori.fr website, the user must fill in all the mandatory fields on the registration form. The user must declare that he is over 18 years old and legally entitled to do this registration. The user agrees to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date data, particularly their personal details, and to make the necessary corrections to that end where necessary.
– Access
Access to the reserved service of the memento-mori.fr website is allowed after approval by the website’s webmaster, moderator or administrator. In this respect, memento-mori reserves the right to delete any user profile that fails to respect the provisions of these General Conditions of Use. Once registered, the user has a user name and password that are strictly personal and confidential. The user is hereby informed that he shall be liable for any actions taken through his personal user account, whether fraudulent or not, should these identification elements be disclosed to a third party.
Memento-mori applies the applicable law pertaining to privacy and data processing and is registered at the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés or CNIL. Memento-mori specifically applies the French Informatique et Libertés law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended by the law 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, incorporating into French law the Directive 95/46/EC of 24 October 1995 on privacy and data processing in the European Union and law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on “trust in the digital economy” (article L. 33-4-1 amended of the Post and Telecommunications Code and new L. 121-20-5 of the Consumer Code), Directive 2000/31/EC of 8 June 2000 on e-commerce and Directive 2002/58/EC of 12 July 2002 on privacy and data processing in electronic communications.
The user hereby expressly agrees to allow memento-mori to process his personal data.
The use of memento-mori.fr online services requires a session cookie used for the duration of the user’s session on the reserved part of the website.
The user has the right to consult and correct his personal data.
The user may exercise this right directly at any time on the memento-mori.fr website by correcting, supplementing or deleting personal data.
The user may also exercise this right by sending a letter to memento-mori – 315 avenue d’argenteuil – 92270 – bois-colombes or by e-mail to . On registration or at any time afterwards, the user may accept or refuse to receive the memento-mori newsletter to which he has subscribed via the memento-mori.fr website.
Memento-mori guarantees that the personal data supplied on registration cannot be accessed by outside parties, nor forwarded, sold or shared.
The user expressly acknowledges that web-related constraints make it impossible for memento-mori to guarantee the permanent security and availability of data transmissions on the memento-mori.fr website. Memento-mori may not be held liable for any dysfunction or denial of access to the memento-mori.fr website attributable to the user’s internet service provider, bandwidth saturation, hardware incompatibility or any other circumstance beyond the control of memento-mori. Similarly, memento-mori may not be held liable for any dysfunction or denial of access to the memento-mori.fr website due to a maintenance operation or upgrade of the said website. In case of disclosure or usurpation of a user’s identity to/by a third party, the user shall be liable for any actions taken by means of his personal user account, whether fraudulent or not.
Should any claim be filed against memento-mori following a user’s infringement of the law or these General Conditions of Use, the latter agrees to insure memento-mori for the legal consequences thereof.
The memento-mori.fr website is dedicated to the presentation of the rental catalog of furniture and accessories from the memento-mori collection.
In this context, various illustrations, reproductions and quotations of original works may be displayed on the memento-mori.fr website. These are lawfully featured on the memento-mori.fr website under the terms of the short quotation exception provided for in article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property French Code. Any copying, in full or in part, of the catalogue presented by Memento-mori on the memento-mori.fr website is strictly forbidden and represents an infringement for which offenders may be prosecuted under the provisions of Book III of the Intellectual Property French Code. Memento-mori cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of any information supplied on the works presented on the memento-mori.fr website. Barring the reproductions featured on the memento-mori.fr website in illustration or quotation of the works listed in the Memento-mori catalogues, the overall layout and all the elements such as texts, images (animated or not) comprising the memento-mori.fr website are the property of Memento-mori. It is strictly forbidden to copy this website, in full or in part, in any format whatsoever, without the written authorization of Memento-mori.
Any representation or copy of this website by any means whatsoever shall be deemed a punishable infringement under articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property French Code.
Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to copy or imitate the Memento-mori brand without the written authorization of Memento-mori and this shall be deemed an infringement according to the provisions of Book VII of the Intellectual Property Code
The user may choose to cancel his registration giving access to the memento-mori.fr website at any time, without explanation. The user may cancel his registration directly on the memento-mori.fr website, by sending a letter to Memento-mori – 315 avenue d’argenteuil – 92270 bois-colombes or by e-mail to
Memento-mori reserves the right to cancel the user’s access, without further notice, in case of serious breach of these General Terms of Use. The user will receive an e-mail notifying/confirming cancellation of his access. Cancellation of the user’s registration will entail the destruction of any personal data pertaining to the user, at the latter’s request or upon expiry of the legal deadlines applying.
The user account is strictly for the user’s personal use.
Consequently, the user undertakes not to sell, transfer or license his right to access the reserved services on the memento-mori.fr website to another party.
These General Terms of Use are governed by and must be interpreted under French law.
Any disputes arising in the interpretation or application of these General Terms of Use shall be brought before the Paris Court of Justice.
The French version of these General Conditions of Use shall prevail for interpretation purposes.
Onboarding & Development :
Communication Agency, CANAL CREATIVE